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Sunday, 28 January 2018

Whoops, We Did It AGAIN

Podcast 01/27/18

Ogg format

In which Karin and Trish discuss introducing new feline members into their clowders, anal glands, and sperm whale spew.

Fact Checks and Fun Fotos:

Does vanilla help cats integrate?  Looks like the jury is out on this one:

Some say yes:

Others, NO

And what you really came here to learn...
All about Ambergris!

Pekka (of exploding anal gland fame), playing Spin Da Kitty with Mesi.

Salem, the Tiny Whale.
Salem has NOT produced ambergris.  Yet.

Please--leave us a comment if there's anything you would like to hear us attempt to discuss, and thanks for listening!

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Cat Clowders

Podcast 01/13/18

Ogg format

In which Karin and Trish discuss Feline Dynamics in multi-catted households;  who rules the food, beddies, and their housemates.  Surprisingly, cat poop and pee-mails are NOT topics--this time.

Fun Fotos and Fact Checks:

What does one call a group of Cats?  (or any other animal, for that matter)

Aila, the sole cat for whom the turkey carcass is meant!

Porcine Felines at the Cat Trough.

Aila has her plate.  The other cats make do with sharing...

Poor Felix, caught between a rock and a hard place... he opts to share.


Thanks for Listening!

Monday, 1 January 2018


Podcast 12/31/17

Episode 6, in which Karin and Trish reveal their rather feeble resolutions for the New Year...

Fact Checks and Photos:

Tidbits about kissanpieru, the small sputtering Finnish Firework:

A thread also mentions this--look at the second post down.

Miss May Ling, the freepeeingwheeling Tortie Terror of Katnip Lounge.

Miss Mesi--of Catio Tales fame--savaging a dickeroo!

Salem, a.k.a. Whalem, enjoying her second favourite* passion, nip.  

*after armpit hickeys