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Sunday, 25 March 2018

Knaughty Kneecaps

In which we discuss luxated patellae and other assorted drivel; notably Salem's weight, trundle carts, Iceland, social mortification, and kneeless chihuahuas.  

Fun Facts and Photos:

Do chihuahuas have knees or not?

A embryonic Trundle Cart.  It needs some bling and swords, obvs!

Crazy Cat Felix

Post surgery shaved leg--see the micro-stripes?

Thanks for Listening!

Sunday, 18 March 2018

The Terrible Triumvirate; Aging, Death, and Grief

A note from Karin and Trish--these three episodes are pretty somber.  We made them in the hope that, as our furry pets have much shorter lives than ours, the podcasts might offer some helpful advice for dealing with elderly animals, making decisions about euthanasia, and coping with loss.
Making these three episodes was hard yet cathartic.  

Please, if you don't feel up to listening, that is fine with us.  

And if you do, thank you.  We hope it helps.

Sylvester, Trish and Scott's much loved (and terribly spoiled) tuxedo boy, the day he was rescued and brought home.

You can learn more about him HERE, in his own words!

Thanks for listening!