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Sunday, 20 May 2018

Secondary Cats

Podcast 5/19/18

ogg format link

In which we discuss life in a clowder free of Alpha felines, and the joys of watching Beta kitties blossom.  Naturally, the topic of poop appears, also Vishus Hummers.

Fun Facts and Photos:

OK, so maybe hummingbirds don't poop at each other (I sure thought I'd seen a documentary that showed this!), but they are mean little birds.

Purrsonality traits

A very happy Beta Kitty, Miss Sweet Pea

May Ling, enjoying the New World Order

Thanks for Listening!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Practicing Safe Cats

Podcast 5/1/18

ogg format click HERE

The focus of this episode is nominally about keeping your domicile safe for felines, but of course there are a few wild divergences...and naturally, poop.

Fun Facts and Photos:

A Handy List of Cat Safe plants

Sampo Samples a Succulent!

And lastly, one of the Many Dangers of Finnish Grammar...

Juhannussima teemukissa - -the Juhannus sima is in the tea cup

Juhan nussima Teemu kissa - Juhan screws Teemu the cat!!!

Thanks for Listening!