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Sunday, 27 January 2019

Welcoming the McNubbins

Podcast 01/26/19

ogg format link

In which we learn what a giant sucker Trish's husband is for tiny baby kittens and how they have (rather inadvertently) come to welcome a new furry little tuxedo boy into their lives.  Karen and Trish discuss the joy of new kittens and how much they actually DO sleep.

There is a general catch-up on feline health; Rupert being ill with a dental abscess and Maui is again constipated.  Poop is discussed...

The verboten word "farenheit" is uttered.

Fun Facts and Photos:

Information about FORLS with a good illustration.

Cat Enema link.  You know, for the DYI type of person!


Curly toes!

Finally! a face shot.

Sylvester, whose paws Morty will grow up to fill.

Thanks For Listening!

1 comment:

  1. hello! I used to follow the katnip lounge blog which is stalled i guess.. not sure what happened there, no post about it. I hope you are well, i miss the photos
